AAHRA Officers and Board of Directors
Meet Our Officers & Board
Steve Sides
President, Sheffield
Matthew McClammey
Vice-President, Opelika
Carolyn Sutley
Treasurer, Retired Enterprise
Peggy Horton
Secretary, Columbiana
Ron Jones
Immediate Past President, Clanton
Taura Denmon
Board Member, Decatur
Antonio McGinnis
Board Member, Huntsville
Debbie Rogers
Board Member, Troy
Tanisha Thomas
Board Member, Brewton
Administrative Practices
1. Lance Armstrong (Scottsboro) scotha@scottsboro.org
2. Dannie Walker (Ozark) dwalker@ozarkha.org
3. Beverly Barber (Opp) beverly.oha@gmail.com
Dannie Walker (Ozark) dwalker@ozarkha.org
1. Henrietta Snipes (Opelika) hsnipes@opelikaha.org
2. Rose Hallford (Newton) rose_hallford@yahoo.com
3. John A. Jones jjones42@bellsouth.net
Constitution & Bylaws
1. Kennard Randolph (Selma) kennard.randolph@selmahousing.com
2. Matthew McClammey (Opelika) mmcclammey@opelikaha.org
Disaster Preparedness
1. Jeff Mira (Eufaula) jmira@eufaulahousing.com
2. Samuel Crawford (Dothan) scrawford@dothanhousing.org
Education and Training
1. Shana Demby (Enterprise) sdemby@enterprisehousing.org
2. Chris Hall (Tuscaloosa) chall@tuscaloosahousing.org
3. Steve Sides (Cullman) cullmanauthority@bellsouth.net
4. Laurie Chapman (Elba) elbaha@elbahousing.org
Historical Preservation
Laurie Chapman (Elba) elbaha@elbahousing.org
HUD Cooperation/Coordination
1. Greg Price (Gadsden) gprice@ggha.org
1.Michael Sweet (Chickasaw) chick604@bellsouth.net
2. Debbie Rogers (Troy) rogersd@troycable.net
3. Matthew McClammey (Opelika) mmcclammey@opelikaha.org
4. Kennard Randolph (Selma) kennard.randolph@selmahousing.com
Member Services
Shana Demby (Enterprise) sdemby@enterprisehousing.org
Debbie Rogers (Troy) rogersd@troycable.net
Website/Public Relations
Tom Wachs (Eufaula) twachs@eufaulahousing.com
1. Lance Armstrong (Scottsboro) scotha@scottsboro.org
2. Dannie Walker (Ozark) dwalker@ozarkha.org
3. Beverly Barber (Opp) beverly.oha@gmail.com
Scholarship Fund Raising
1. Angela Miclette (Leeds) miclettelha@gmail.com
2. Steve Sides (Cullman) cullmanauthority@bellsouth.net
3. Peggy Horton (Columbiana) cauthor543@aol.com
1. Esther Marshall (Eufaula) emarshall@eufaulahousing.com
Youth Sports
1. Tom Wachs (Eufaula) twachs@eufaulahousing.com
2. Cortney Coleman (Bessemer) ccoleman@besha.org
Affiliate Memberships
Shana Demby (Enterprise) sdemby@enterprisehousing.org
RAD Committee
1. Sharon Tolbert (Auburn) stolbert@auburnhousingauth.org
2. Debbie Rogers (Troy) rogersd@troycable.net